Fort St. John Pilot Project




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  • FSJ Pilot Regulations
  • SFI
  • SFMP
  • Annual Reports
  • FOS
  • Public Advisory Group
  • Presentations
  • Reference Material
  • What's New
  • The Participants
  • Questions & Answers







    Part of the CSA Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) system requirements is that anyone implementing a SFM system have access to persons with the necessary scientific and technical expertise to undertake specific activities and to provide information, training and advice.

    In March 2002 several scientists and technical experts from research organizations, educational institutions and forestry companies were invited to participate in a Scientific Technical Advisory Committee. The Committee will provide advice and guidance to the development and implementation of a sustainable forest management plan in the Fort St. John area of BC. This process is being conducted within the context of the Fort St. John (Forest Practices) Code Pilot Project, and as such has a high profile in the ongoing revision of the forest practices regulatory environment in BC.

    The committee is comprised of credible, expert individuals from the following disciplines:

    - Forest ecology

    - Wildlife ecology

    - Fisheries biology

    - Hydrology

    - Biometrics

    - Soil science

    - Natural resource economic

    - Inventory and timber supply

    - Forest estate modeling

    - Traditional ecological knowledge

    An initial meeting was held in April 2002 to provide the Committee members with an overview of the FSJ Code Pilot Project, the concerns and issues, and the Committee's role.