Dunne-za Ventures LP
Dunne-za Ventures Limited Partnership is partnership between Dunne-za
Economic Development Corporation (the general partner) and West Moberly
First Nations (the limited partner). Dunne-za Economic Development
Corporation is wholly owned by West Moberly First Nations, thus, Dunne-za
Ventures LP is also wholly owned by West Moberly First Nations. This
contemporary structure separates community politics from the-day-to-day
operations of the company. Dunne-za was established in 2001 as a direct
result of the Joint Venture Agreement between Canfor (Canadian Forest
Products Ltd.) and West Moberly First Nations with two coniferous
non-replaceable forest licences (NFRFL) A57332 and non-replaceable
forest licence A56771.
NRFL A57332 has a 20-year term with an AAC of 100,000 cubic metres of
small diameter pine in the Dawson Creek timber supply area, and NRFL
A56771 has a 20 year term with an AAC of 150,000 cubic metres of sawlog
spruce from the Fort St. John timber supply area and is within Fort St
John Code Pilot.
Dunne-za is active in forestry and timber harvesting activities. Logging
agreements are currently held with Chetwynd Mechanical Pulp (via Louisiana Pacific Canada
Ltd.), Canfor’s - Chetwynd Division, and Canfor-LP OSB Corp. Timber
harvesting for 2005 is projected to be 225,000 cubic metres.
West Moberly First Nations is a small community comprised of about 180
members, of which less than half live on reserve at the northwest end of
Moberly Lake. The Dunne-za Economic Development Corporation is owned by
the community, and cannot be controlled by any one member. Chief and
councilors representing the four founding families are charged with
representing the community in matters related to the corporate bylaws
and appointment of board members.
Dunne-za is the entity that West Moberly First Nations uses to access
and participate in economic development opportunities within its
traditional territory in Treaty 8. In 2004, West Moberly First Nations
expanded the corporate mandate to include projects in the oil and gas
and mining sectors. This was seen as a logical extension to the existing
forestry and logging portfolio because it brought economies of scale and
economies of scope to the operations. These three portfolios are managed
under separate Operations Managers in order to improve the flow of
information and projects.
Core Business:
Trucking (equipment and product transport, access and maintenance)
Light earth works
First Aid
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