Fort St. John Pilot Project




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    1. appendix 1 - sustainable forest management policies
    2. appendix 2 - Sustainable Forest Management Indicator Matrix
    3. Appendix 3 - Growth and Yield Monitoring Plan
    4. appendix 4 - reforestation strategy stocking estimators
    5. Appendix 5 - Reforestation strategy survey
    6. appendix 6 - reforestation strategy standards
    7. appendix 7 - stand survey growth modeling
    8. appendix 8 - list of invasive plants
    9. appendix 9 - site prep soil disturbance
    10. appendix 10 - mixedwood management guildlines
    11. appendix 11 - procedure for selecting sample
    12. appendix 12 - stream crossing
    13. appendix 13 - ROS polygon deliniation
    14. appendix 14 - wtp calculation
    15. appendix 15 - public input process
    16. appendix 16 - fsj sfmp analysis
    17. appendix 17 - forrx FSJ C Curves
    18. appendix 18 - mixed wood field survey
    19. appendix 19 - glossary
    20. appendix 20 - SFMP#3 Revisions
    21. appendix 21 - public comments
    22. appendix 22 - First Nations Comments
    23. appendix 23 - government comments