Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Project

Public Advisory Group Meeting #17

May 6, 2002

5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Quality Inn Northern Grand


Meeting Attendance






Roger St. Jean

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)



John Dymond

Slocan-LP OSB Corp



Dave Menzies




Warren Jukes




Paul Albu

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)



PAG Interest Representatives and Alternate:


Ron Wagner




Roy Lube

Non Commercial Rec (non-consumptive)



Budd Phillips

Non-Comm Recreation (hunting/fishing)



Orland Wilkerson

Urban Communities



Oliver Mott




Mike Waberski       

Oil and Gas



Stanley Gladys

Non Commercial Rec (non consumptive)





Gail Wallin





Janice Edwards

Ministry Sustainable Resource Management



Rod Backmeyer




Carl Jahn

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program



Rod Kronlachner

Ministry of Forests



1.      Welcome

      ·         Handout of draft meeting #17 agenda, draft summary of April 22/02 Meeting #16, and draft Matrix #16 from April 22 (PAG input).

2.      Review of Draft Agenda

·         Facilitator explained the purpose of this meeting, as presented in the draft agenda.

·         PAG reviewed and accepted the draft agenda for tonights’ meeting.

3.      Review of Meeting 16 Summary and Matrix 16

      ·         PAG reviewed draft Meeting #16 summary notes. Question was called for changes.

      ·         PAG asked WG to correct typographical error on page two of meeting summary, point three, third item; insert the word ‘Need”.

     ·         Meeting Summary as amended is accepted by PAG.

      ·         PAG read over the distributed Matrix 16. Question was called for any changes. Matrix had also been emailed to PAG April 29 for their review prior to this meeting.

      ·         PAG accepted the Matrix 16 as the summary of Meeting 16 PAG input.

·         Review of Action Items from Meeting 16:

·         Outstanding items are:

·         Provide a draft or final NDU map for the PAG to view, and relate to how the Pilot is affected by it and vice versa.

·         Provided to PAG a copy of the letter of thanks written and sent to Frank Schlichting.

4.      Membership Review

      ·         Nothing to report.

5.      WG Response to PAG input, Criteria 2, 4, 5.3, 6.3, 6.4; WG response to PAG input for Values/Goals, and WG proposed indicators

·         Matrix 17b Working Group proposal was handed out to all attendees.

Element 2.1 Forest Disturbance and Stress

·         Objective 1, Seral Stage: WG provided summary of proposed Indicators and Objectives, and a brief description of what Natural Disturbance Types (NDUs) are and what characterizes them. Also provided another description of seral stage.

·         Conclusion: PAG accepted Version 17b Goal, and Seral Stage Objectives a and b

·         Objective 2, permanent Losses: participants provided an rationale of the specified 7% Permanent Access Structure limitation, and an explanation that 2a is meant to address the site level issue, and 2b is to address the landscape level.

·         Participants explained that 2009 was selected as a target date as that is the date at which the second SFMP will be prepared. Participants will work with the Oil and Gas industry to develop a common access database.

·         Conclusion: PAG recommends removing second half of Objective 2b, and entering new wording for now point ‘c’. Intent is to work with other industries.

·         ACTION: Also need to reword ‘permanent access structure’ as it has a specific definition under the Pilot regulation.

·         Objective 3, CWD: Participants explained that part a. is in accordance with regulation, and provided an explanation as to the monitoring plots that would be utilized to gather information on CWD.

·         The intent is to gather information to determine a range for amounts of CWD.

·         Discussion of the source of ‘50% preharvest’, and also how field practices may or may not in future differ from current practices.

·         Conclusion: PAG accepted Version 17b CWD objective a and b.

·         Objective 4 Snags/Cavity sites: Explanation that this is much the same as wildlife trees, but that STAC has recommended we address cavity sites.

·         Participants explained that ‘averaged over area harvested’ means that not each hectare will have identical numbers of cavity trees; some may be more concentrated than others.

·         PAG requested that the word ‘total’ be inserted in objective, to describe area harvested.

·         Conclusion: PAG accepted Version 17b wording as amended for this objective.

·         Objective 5 Number of Hectares of Natural Disturbance Events.

·         Participants provided explanation of the proposed objective.

·         PAG questions the value of this particular indicator and objective, and a discussion ensued regarding natural disturbance.

·         PARKING LOT: how does quantifying # of hectares of unsalvaged natural disturbance affect or influence forest management?

·         Conclusion: PAG accepts Version 17b objective 5 if it links to management.

Element 2.2 Ecosystem Productivity

·         Conclusion: Version 17b Objective 1 Forest Types and 2 Seral Stage and 3 Patch Size accepted by PAG, after explanation that the three work together as a suite if indicators for biodiversity.

Element 2.3 Production Rates ad Productive Capacity

·         ACTION: define well growing in glossary.

·         Indicator and Obj 1: Discussion of the intent of the objective, and what determines Long Term Harvest Level, including discussion Chief Forester’s definition from TSR1 paper.

·         MSRM advisor provided graphic illustration of LTHL and AAC determinations.

·         PAG asks for better wording for this indicator and objective, as the role or responsibility of the participants in setting or living by the LTHL is unclear. Suggestions as follows: ‘maintain harvest (forest mgt.?) practices that avoid negatively affecting LTHL.’ or ‘maintain harvest levels within permissible harvest levels.’

·         PAG also suggested changing ‘adversely affect’ in the objective to ‘reduce’.

·         PAG suggests that volume harvested over time should be linked to LTHL.

·         PARKING LOT: rework Indicator #1 to “Monitor LTHL and identify, if at all, the harvest levels negatively affecting the LTHL”.

·         Conclusion: no recommendations, only ideas.

·         Indicator and Objective 2, Site Index;

·         Conclusion: PAG agreed to Ver. 17b

Element 4.1 Carbon Uptake and Storage

·         Indicator 1 and 2 – WG has removed the previously agreed to indicators as they did not adequately address the Value.

·         WG introduced the new proposed Ver.17b indicators, and explained that STAC had assisted in determining these indicators. MAI is meant to address carbon uptake, and growing stock is meant to address carbon storage.

·         Conclusion: PAG accepted both indicators, but recommended that Objective #2 is split into two, 2a being to analyse and determine range, and 2b being to meet target range

Element 4.2 Forest Land Conversion

·         Conclusion: PAG accepted a and b with minor modification, and recommended that ‘c’ be added to partition development of targets from the analysis stage.


Element 5.3 Fair Distribution

·         Participants explained that 5.3 emphasizes the promotion of those values outlined in 5.1.

·         Conclusion: Will delete WG proposal for Indicators and Objectives as seen in Ver.17b, and amend to capture intent of new PAG/WG proposal.

Element 6.3 Public Participation

·         Participants explained the intent of this element and that the PAG’s role is a key part of this section.

·         Conclusion: Indicator and Objectives proposed in Version 17b for 1 and 2 are accepted by PAG.

·         Objective 3 requires insertion of the word ‘all’ before ‘public inquiries’.

·         Need to ensure that indicator #3 is consistent with objective #3.

·         There was general discussion regarding to whom the ‘participants’ in the Element description refers to. Determined that it refers to those involved in the public participation process, which at this moment is the PAG.

·         Conclusion: PAG recommends Indicator #3 should be changed to ‘Response to public inquiry forms’.

·         PAG recommends an additional objective and indicator that shows the participants have kept the public informed of opportunities to participate.

·         Conclusion: New PAG recommended Indicator and Objective #4 on Matrix 18.


Element 6.4 Information for Decision Making

·         PAG recommends changing Indicator #1 to ‘Response to Public Inquiry Forms’.

·         Conclusion: PAG accepts Indicator #1 as amended, and Objective #1.PAG accepts Indicator and Objective 3.

·         PAG and WG agreed to drop Indicator and objective 2 from Version 17b, and add;

·         Indicator 2: range of information dissemination

·         Objective 2: To provide access to research, extention, and information relevant to decision making process.

·         General discussion of the role of the STAC, and whether their recommendations and they would be open to question by the public. Terms of Reference are not complete as yet for the STAC, and this particular issue has not been addressed.


6.      Other Business

·         Determined that no further meetings will be required at this time for Participants to finalize Matrix with STAC.

·         Next Steps:

1.       Working Group will review the Matrix as it stands (Version 18) with the STAC.

2.       PAG will reconvene in the fall (September or October) to review any changes and the Participants response to PAG recommendations.

7.      Public Presentations

·         No presentations were made.

8.      Next Meetings

·         Dates not set as yet, but next one is likely in Mid September.

1.       Review matrix – 1 to 2 evening meetings with PAG

2.       Review of draft SFMP, forecasting, etc. – 1 PAG meeting, possibly 1 field trip.

3.       Complete SFMP in early 2003 – 3 to 4 evening meetings with PAG

Meeting concluded 9:25pm