Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Project

Public Advisory Group Meeting #16

April 22, 2002

5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m

Quality Inn Northern Grand


Meeting Attendance






Roger St. Jean

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)



John Dymond

Slocan-LP OSB Corp



Jeff Beale

Slocan-LP OSB Corp



Dave Menzies




Warren Jukes




Paul Albu

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)



PAG Interest Representatives and Alternate:


Ron Wagner




Roy Lube

Non Commercial Rec (non-consumptive)



Budd Phillips

Non-Comm Recreation (hunting/fishing)



Orland Wilkerson

Urban Communities



Oliver Mott




Gary Rehmeier

Forest Workers



Neil Meagher




Stanley Gladys

Non Commercial Rec (non consumptive)





Gail Wallin





Craig Delong

Ministry of Forests



James Stephenson




Ken Long

Forest Policy Services Ltd.



Daryll Hebert

Encompass Strategic Resources Inc.



Dick Nakatsu




Paul Wooding




Dale Seip

Ministry of Forests



Janice Edwards

Ministry Sustainable Resource Management





Alex Ferguson

Slocan Forest Products Ltd.



Carl Jahn

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program



Rod Kronlachner

Ministry of Forests



1.      Welcome

·         Introductions were made around table.

·         A brief introduction of interests and/or area of expertise of each person attending were conducted.

·         Handout of draft meeting agenda, draft summary of April 22/02 Meeting #15, and draft Matrix #14 from March 22nd (PAG input).

·         Facilitator provided a reminder of the Terms of Reference regarding responsibilities of participation by Representatives, Alternates, and Observers, and of reaching closure on issues.

2.      Review of Draft Agenda

·         Facilitator explained the purpose of this meeting, as presented in the draft agenda.

·         Purpose is to review WG responses and proposals for Criteria 1 and 6 Values, Goals and Indicators.

·         PAG reviewed and accepted the draft agenda for tonights’ meeting.

3.      Review of Meeting 15 Summary and Matrix 14

·         PAG reviewed draft Meeting 15 summary notes. Question was called for changes.

·         PAG accepted the draft Meeting 15 notes with no amendment.

·         PAG read over the distributed Matrix 14. Question was called for any changes, in particular to PAG’s input from Meeting 15.

·         PAG accepted the Matrix 14 as the summary of Meeting 15 PAG input.

·         Review of Action Items from Meeting 15:

a)      Letter to Frank Schlichting: Participants have drafted a letter on the PAG’s request. It will be sent to the PAG members once complete. PAG agreed they did not to review it prior to mailing to Frank.

b)      Potential to combine Non-Commercial Rec. interests; it has been determined that this would not be acceptable to the two parts of this interest. The two interests will remain distinct.

c)      Provide overview map at meetings: this has been done.

d)      Review Definition of Communities: this will be placed in the Glossary with all the other suggested inclusions, and presented to PAG for their review. This action item has been scheduled.

4.      Membership Review

·         Introduction of Stan Gladys as Alternate for Roy Lube, Non Commercial Recreation (non-consumptive) interest. Stan provided an overview of his experience in this sort of public process, and his interest in the area of non-commercial recreation.

5.      WG Response to PAG input, Criteria 1 Values/Goals and proposed Indicators

·         Matrix 15 Working Group proposal was handed out to all attendees.

·         Facilitator provided an explanation of Element 1.1 values, goals and indicators.

·         Element 1.1 Objective 1, Forest Types

·         Minor change from handout: change “DFA” to “NDU” in both Indicators 1 and 2.

·         PAG requested and was provided a definition  “Seral Stage”

·         PAG asked what constitutes a ‘Pure” forest type.

·         A pure stand may have zero to 20 percent content of a secondary species, and is based on a forest inventory definition.

·         ACTION: include description of forest types in Glossary

·         PAG asked how pattern is determined by CSA.

·         CSA provides no clear definition. A discussion ensued regarding patch size, pattern and distribution.

·         PAG asked what the rationale is for maintaining plus or minus 20% over time in Objective 1, Forest Types.

·         Explanation that within a Natural Disturbance Unit (NDU) there is an undetermined variation of type distribution. The Participants will try by their activities to maintain within a reasonable range the current distribution of both coniferous and deciduous. Successional species shifts post harvest will be enabled. Natural disturbances such as fire, as well as natural successional changes may cause large distribution changes. The 40% variability may have to be amended with new information becoming available, however the WG feels it is an appropriate starting point.

·         PAG member expressed interest in living organisms, and concerns that the Element 1.1 objectives and indicators do not presently address these.

·         PARKING LOT: PAG agreed to come back to this point at the end of discussion of Criteria 1 to see if living organisms have been addressed.

·         PARKING LOT: Advisor asked whether Indicator and Objective for Forest Types should address both forest and non-forest types. Agreed to come back to this point at end of this Criterion.

·         Element 1.1 Objective 2, Seral Stage

·          The Participants analyse current status or inventory. Targets will be established, with the assistance of the Scientific Technical Advisors, within the assessed natural range of variability.

·         PAG expressed concern as to when the targets would be established.

·         Agreed to change ‘develop’ to ‘determine in ‘a’, and to drop ‘appropriate’ in ‘b’.

·         A general discussion lead by advisors ensued regarding the size of NDUs. Question was asked if the NDUs are too large to use for the purpose of this Element. Craig Delong provided a visual presentation of the location and characteristics of the proposed NDUs.

·         PAG asked how the Participants would address the noncommercial areas in the NDUs. A suggestion was made that the percent distribution of habitat types  (willow, alder etc) might be done, however as the current inventory material is so sketchy this would not be feasible, This may be addressed once VRI is done for this area.

·         ACTION: provide NDU map for PAG meeting.

·         PARKING LOT: Suggestion that participants consider a new objective to address distribution and pattern within each NDU.

·         Element 1.1 Objective 3, Patch Size

·         PAG recommended changing 3a to ‘determine’ rather than ‘develop’. WG agreed.

·         Advisors stated that quantifying the early seral and old seral stage patch sizes would address the mid-seral patches as well.

·         A discussion ensued regarding patch size, logging practices, 2nd pass harvesting, Green-Up requirements, and natural patch size distribution in NDT3.

·         PARKING LOT: PAG recommended a new indicator referring to 5 distribution of non-forest or habitat types in Element 1.

·         Conclusion Element 1.1

·         Objectives and Indicators as revised are acceptable to the PAG.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator and Objective 1 Snags/Cavity Sites

·         8 habitat elements had been previously agreed to by PAG. WG proposed changing Indicator #1 to ‘number of snags and cavity sites’. PAG agreed.

·         A general discussion of snags, snag types, and distribution ensued.

·         PAG suggests Indicator 1.2 could consider ‘wildlife trees’; otherwise clarify existing wording  (e.g. # of snags/wildlife trees for cavity tree purposes.)

·         For the objective, need to review whether it matches the indicator. Consider ‘snags and/or suitable live trees’.

·         Conclusion for 1: PAG accepts intent, but both indicator and objective need rewording.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator and Objective 2 Coarse Woody Debris

·         Indicators and Objectives accepted by PAG.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator and Objective 3 Riparian

·         WG explained proposed objectives and timeline of 2009 for establishment of strategies (coincides with introduction of 2nd SFMP)

·         PAG accepted the proposed objective

·         PAG suggested the indicator should be reworded to reflect riparian performance standards or performance strategies.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator and Objective 4 Shrubs

·         PAG recommended rewording indicator to reflect composition, species and abundance.

·         PAG recommended change of ‘establish’ to ‘evaluate and determine’, and also to consider other seral stages.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Ind. and Obj. 5, 6 Broadleaf Trees, Large Live Trees

·         WG provided their rationale for combining these two into one objective

·         PAG recommended rewording indicator and objective to capture retention of minor species at the stand level (i.e. coniferous in a deciduous stand and vice versa)

·         Intent of the objective and indicator are acceptable to PAG.

·         Recommendation: clearly define at what level the objective is to be measured (landscape or stand level)

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator 7 Adjacent Canopy

·         PAG agreed that Adjacent Canopy should be dropped, as it is covered elsewhere.

·         Element 1.2 Species Diversity, Indicator and Objective 8 Late Seral Stage

·         PAG accepted Indicator change from Late Successional to Late Seral, but suggested that it should be dropped as it is covered in Element 1.1. WG agreed.

As there was much discussion among Scientific Technical Advisors present, the facilitator provided PAG with a clarification of the role of the STAC; additional technical work will be undertaken by STAC members as this process continues, the majority of it outside PAG meetings.

·         Element 1.3 Genetic Diversity, Indicator and Objective 1

·         WG provided a recap of this element, and of what had been previously agreed to by PAG.

·         WG provided an explanation of managing for habitat elements such that integrity of genetic diversity is maintained.

·         PAG agreed with proposed Indicator and Objective

·         Element 1.3 Genetic Diversity, Indicator and Objective 2 Gen. Div. of Tree Stock

·         Discussion of registered tree seed, genetic diversity, natural and artificial reforestation.

·         Important to realize that this deals specifically with trees, whereas objective 1 deals with other organisms.

·         PAG asked how Participants would measure this to ensure genetic diversity of non-tree organisms will be covered.

·         Due to the complex and prohibitively expensive nature of ascertaining genetic diversity of all species, certain indicator species will be monitored. Additionally, managing habitat elements will act as a coarse filter to enable the diversity of species dependant on those elements.

·         A question arose as to whether the participants are planning natural regeneration in some harvest areas.

·         Natural regeneration will take place in some areas, and genetic diversity of tree stock will be ensured through this means.

·         Element 1.4 Protected Areas, Indicator and Objective 1, 2, 3

·         WG provided an explanation that indicators and objectives 1 to 3 are meant to move from the large scale to the small scale.

·         MSRM has said that the list of SMZs, UWRs, and WHA is an exclusive list of protected areas.

·         PAG asks that Objective 1 be reviewed to determine how or if it can be quantified.

·         PAG recommends that Objective 3 is reworded to reflect area (hectares)


·         Should there be additional mention regarding ‘pattern’?

·         Working Group believes this item ahs been sufficiently addressed through patch size and seral stage in Element 1.1.

·         PAG asked advisors if they felt it has been adequately addressed.

·         ACTION: Advisor suggested that further work needs to be done on this. WG will come back to PAG with more information after consulting with advisors on this matter.

·         ACTION: put definition of protected area, as meant by the CCFM SFM elements, in glossary.

·         Do other organisms need further addressing?

·         A question arose as to whether specific animals at risk in the DFA should be specifically dealt with in the matrix.

·         WHAs, UWR and SMZs are meant to deal with specifically identified species at risk.

·         PAG agreed to leave as written, no further work needed.

·         Should the matrix have an indicator for ‘non-trees’?

·         PAG agreed that no additional indicators are needed to address ‘non-trees’.

WG Response to PAG input, Criteria 6 Values/Goals and proposed Indicators

Element 6.1 Aboriginal and Treaty Rights

·         Group discussion and agreement that the Participants can provide opportunity for first nations, but cannot be held responsible for their refusal or reluctance to provide information, comment, or other input into planning or activities.

·         PAG agreed to the proposed Indicator and Objective.

Element 6.2 Aboriginal forest values and uses

·         WG explained the proposed indicators and objectives.

·         There was a general discussion as to what information was known, and by whom it was known. (i.e. Traditional Use Studies)

·         PAG accepted proposed indicators and objectives.

6.      Other Business

·         Facilitator explained the Z809 requirement that the role of all individuals involved in this process is clear to all those participating.

·         Facilitator conducted a reintroduction of those members of the Scientific Technical Advisory Committee present.

·         STAC members provided a brief sketch of their field of interest and expertise.

7.      Public Presentations

·         No presentations were made.

8.      Next Meetings

·         May 6, 2002, (Monday) – Criteria 6 (remainder), Criteria 2 and 4

·          May 29, 2002, (Tuesday) – Complete all objectives, Overview of complete matrix.