Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Projects

Public Advisory Group Meeting #7


July 12, 2001


6:00pm to 9:30pm


Fort St. John Cultural Center

Revised and accepted Meeting Summary











Dave Menzies




Jeff Beale

Slocan LP OSB Corp



Roger St. Jean

Small Business (MOF)



Warren Jukes








PAG Interest Representatives and Alternates:



Mike Waberski

Oil and Gas



Ron Wagner (R )




Wayne Sawchuk (R )




Karen Goodings

Regional District gov’t



Budd Phillips

Non-comm. recreation



Gary Rehmeier

Forest Workers



Orland Wilkerson

Urban Communities











None available












Joelle Scheck




Jim Stephenson




Ron Rutledge

Ministry of Forests, FSJ



Dave Lawson

Ministry of Forests











Ken Long

Forest Policy Services



Trevor Swan

Common Ground Forestry






NOTE: Mike Waberski arrived at the meeting at 8:00 pm.


1.      Welcome

·        Self-introductions were made around the table.

·        Review of meeting agenda for tonights meeting by Warren Jukes.  No changes proposed to the agenda and accepted.


2.      Review of Meeting Summary of June 14, 2001

·        Jeff Beale briefly reviewed highlights of the June 14th meeting.

·        Clarification requested on the action item noted on bottom of page 4, regarding the construction of a draft letter for the PAG.  A version was prepared by Gail Wallin and forwarded to all PAG members prior to the meeting and it to be discussed further in tonight’s meeting.

·        On the meeting summary provided to the PAG members it was noted that Peter Vandergugten was noted as an observer as opposed to a PAG alternative whose interest is Rural Communities.  This has been corrected.


3.      Review of July 3rd detailed proposal

§         Warren briefly identified the changes to the detailed proposal, a one page summary was provided that highlights the changes that were made to the detailed proposal,

§         Question/Comment: For the SBFEP write-up in the proposal under Section 4.4 there is no reference to an EMS Program being implemented.  All other participants have stated that they will be implementing an EMS program but this is lacking for the SBFEP. 
The Fort St. John SBFEP will be implementing an EMS program commencing in early 2002 and Section 4.4 will be amended to state this.

§         Comment:  From PAG member on behalf of the Oil and Gas Representative who could not be in attendance.  They were pleased with everything contained in the proposal and the regulation and wished to express their thanks for the manner in which all of this was completed.

§         Question:  What is going to be the role of the PAG in the future.
The PAG will now begin to help develop the Sustainable Forest Management Plan, the regulation also speaks to the proposed role of the PAG.

§         Comment:  Table 5 of the proposal needs to be updated to include reference to the Forest Operations Schedule (FOS).

§         Question:  Does the detailed proposal accompany the draft regulation when forwarded to the JSC , and who is the JSC now with the latest government re-shuffle?

§         Answer:  Yes it will accompany the regulation and the JSC may now include four ministries as opposed to four previously but not certain.

§         Question:  The District Manager does not approve a FOS but may withhold authorizations, how does this work?
Answer:  There is no FOS until a comprehensive SFMP has been completed and it is assumed that operations will proceed unless the DM says otherwise, opposite of current process.  DM must give authorizations similar to the issuance of a CP or RP as is now however he may withhold authorization  Trevor and Ken further explained the authorization process, primary difference is that it lasts several years for the number of blocks and roads initially requested.  There was a request that the last sentence of Section 5.3 of the detailed proposal be amended to clarify what exactly that means.  The participants agreed to reword this section and to include a flow diagram identifying the various stages and linkages which will hopefully clarify this aspect.

§         Question/Comment:  Section 5.2 doesn’t really say who approves an SFM plan, would like a flow diagram included which would draw the current process and the new process which is being proposed.

4.      Review of July 3rd Regulations

·        Ken Long went through the changes to the regulation as noted in the Summary page of changes

·        Have incorporated the remaining elements of the Operational Planning Regulation and some section of the Forest Practices Code Act inside this Regulation which will now ensure that any disapplications that may occur upon the approval of a Sustainable Forest Management Plan can be accommodated.  Essentially it is becoming an all encompassing document.

·        The Penalty provisions schedule for the PPR has been attached as per the recommendations of the PAG and they essentially reflect the pattern set in current legislation.

·        There is a provision to replacing the forest development plan (FDP) with a Forest Operations Schedule (FOS) upon the completion of a SFM plan.  The greater the content of the SFM plan the less you need to put into a FDP, logic being when you've reached a certain level of information you want to avoid a lot of repetition in the FDP.

·        Prior to the replacement of the FDP with a FOS the requirements of Section 32(3) must be satisfied fully.  Ken went through a few scenarios of some of the strategies with the bottom line being that it is a relatively onerous task before you can disapply the FDP.

·        The attaching of CP’s to the authorization of the FOS

·        The enforcement of site level plan content, 3 major points, soil conservation, biodiversity and reforestation have been included in the Reg. can also propose alternatives in other provisions.

·        Questions as of the June 14th meeting?  Where are the 4 categories-elements?  Where do they come from the numbers proposed?
Answer: They are not presented in the same way as is the current process, shrunk them as simply as we could without compromising the values.  What is the normal business practice today in Fort St. John is what was put forward for numbers in the Reg.  The SFM plan will undoubtedly change all of these numbers.  The defaults are attached in the Reg and the intent is to try and manage more on landscape level basis as opposed to stand level.

·        Question:  Are there any more comments on the July 3rd version of the Reg.  No

5.         Going over the July 12th version of the Reg.

·        It is anticipated that additional tinkering will probably continue with the Reg. but nothing major being planned.

·        First element was the well-growing croptree Section 29(6) (b)
Second element was to include the public review and comment strategy part of the SFM plan format

·        For authorizations Section 45(2) cannot commence harvesting under authorization until after 14 days of appraisal data submission to the district manager.  Under Section 45(1) looking at a 3 year approval of authorization as opposed to 2 years.

·        Questions:  Under Section 33(2) there is no legal requirement to have all of the requirements of an SFM plan completed. 
Answer:  If not all of the requirements are met it is anticipated that a reason will be attached, the participants feel the proposal is rigorous enough.  Not all of the elements of Section 33(2) can be feasibly completed in certainty, (l), (m) and (n).

·        Question:  Section 32(3) range and forage management is not included in the development of a comprehensive SFM plan, it is felt that this is a important criteria for this area and perhaps it should be included.
Answer:  The reason for the particular elements being selected as making up a comprehensive SFM plan is to cover off these same strategies currently included in the FDP.  Do we want to add range as a new element?
Question:  Biodiversity management including wildlife habitat management for wildlife is also ver important, should that not be a requirement for a comprehensive SFM plan.
Answer:  Some of the biodiversity elements are already included in the Reg. and it is anticipated that in the development of the CSA SFM plan which is also planned for as described in the detailed proposal will attempt to cover some of these concerns off.  Again the central elements that have been included in a comprehensive SFM plan are those that are already required for a FDP, the comprehensive SFM plan allows you to disapply the requirement for a FDP and replace it with the FOS.  We have included patch size and seral stage distribution which really wasn’t a FDP requirement.


·        General Question:  What about the level of First Nation involvement or lack of in the process todate, will this be an issue, will it cause this pilot to be derailed by their non-participation in the process?
Answer:  We have had several meetings with First Nations although not all First Nations have been in attendance at these.  We hope that are process has been transparent enough and we have actively attempted to involve First Nations in the process.  We hope that the process is not derailed but nothing is for certain.


·        Warren Jukes summarization:  There are no more policy changes being proposed in the PPR, as Ken indicated just some minor tinkering at this point.  Rick Manwaring spoke about the rest of the process with this Reg at the last meeting and we are proceeding in that manner.


6.         PAG letter to Rick Manwaring

·        Warren went through Gail Wallin’s draft letter of support from the PAG group and noted the minor changes that will be incorporated.  There was no dissension to the letter.

·        Brief discussion followed regarding the formal wrapup of this phase of the review of the Reg.  It was agreed that each member of the PAG would receive in a mailout a complete package that the participants will be submitting to government.  It is proposed that this will occur by the end of July or early August.


·        Question:  When is the next meeting of the PAG proposed?
Answer:  It was decided that Monday nights were preferred by most members of the PAG, the next meeting date has been tentatively scheduled for September 24th, but this will be confirmed later through Email.


·        Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.



Accepted version of the support letter as discussed.



July 12, 2001


Rick Manwaring,

Ministry of Forests,

Project Manager,

Results Based Forest Practices Code Pilots,

#1 Cicada Road, Bag 50000,

Mackenzie, BC

V0J 2C0


Dear Mr. Manwaring:


Re:  Fort St John Results Based Pilot


The Fort St. John Public Advisory Group (PAG) was established in the spring of 2001 to provide input on a draft Results Based Pilot project proposal and regulation.  The concept of a public advisory group to provide input into the Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Project was first proposed by the pilot project participants in their preliminary proposal to government in September 1999.  The project participants include Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Slocan Forest Products Ltd., Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program and Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.


The formation of the Fort St. John Public Advisory Group (PAG) was the product of broad input and consultation to ensure that it represented the diverse range of interests for the Fort St. John Timber Supply Area. Input on the draft membership structure of the Public Advisory Group began in the spring of 2000 and continued at an open public meeting on June 22nd, 2000.  In January 2001, interested people began formally working toward the establishment of the group.  A Terms of Reference and Membership document was finalized in May 2001 and describes the role of the Public Advisory Group as providing advice or comments on:

a)      The proposed pilot project package including the draft pilot project regulation and detailed proposal;

b)      The pilot project participants’ response to public comments on the draft pilot project regulation.


The group will also provide input to the proposed Sustainable Forest Management Plan, review the participants’ performance, provide recommendations for improvement and provide input on communication strategies.


In addition to formalizing the structure of the group, the PAG has reviewed and provided comments on several draft versions of the pilot project proposal. Following the 60-day public review period that commenced on February 26th 2001, the PAG reviewed public comments and responses and how the participants were proposing to address them.  Based on input from the PAG, other stakeholders and government agency representatives, the pilot project participants then revised the draft proposal.  Once again, the PAG reviewed and commented on the revised proposal.  The draft, dated July 12th, 2001 has been reviewed by PAG members and is seen to have addressed all the concerns raised by the public and the PAG. 


In conclusion, based on the above, the draft proposal has been reviewed and accepted by the PAG as an attempt to improve the regulatory framework for forest practices.


We would invite you to contact any of the members of the Fort St. John Public Advisory Group if you have any questions regarding this submission. 




Submitted by the Members

of the Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Project

Public Advisory Group






Commercial Recreation

Ray Jackson



Environment / Conservation

Wayne Sawchuk


Oliver Mott

Forest Contractors / Workers

Gary Rehmeier

Fred Klassen



Ron Wagner

Neil Meagher


Oil & Gas Industry

Mike Waberski

Chris Bakker


Non-commercial Recreation - fishing, hunting


Budd Phillips

Barry Holland

Non-commercial Recreation - non-consumptive


Roy Lube


Range / Agriculture/Private woodlots

Frank Schlichting



Rural Communities

Karen Goodings

Peter Vandergugten



Terry Howatt

Russel Schuler

Vicki Allen

Urban Communities

Orland Wilkerson

Bruce Kindrat