Fort St. John Results Based Pilot Project

Public Advisory Group Meeting #15


April 9, 2002



5:30pm to 9:30pm


Fort St. John Cultural Center




Meeting Attendance:












Roger St. Jean

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)




John Dymond

Slocan L.P OSB Corp




Jeff Beale

Slocan L.P OSB Corp




Dave Menzies





Warren Jukes





Paul Albu

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)









PAG Interest Representatives and Alternates:




Mike Waberski       

Oil and Gas




Ron Wagner





Roy Lube

Non Commercial Rec (non consumptive)




Ray Jackson

Guide Outfitting




Orland Wilkerson

Urban Communities




Oliver Mott





Gary Rehmeier

Forest Workers




Karen Goodings

Rural Communities




Fred Klassen

Forest Workers



R. J Shular





Jim Eglinski

Rural Communities









Gail Wallin















Pierre Beaudry

Consultant, water specialist (P.B.A)




Rod Backmeyer

Ministry Water Land Air Protection




Paul Wooding





Jim Schilling

Canfor, Forest Eng. Supt.




Janice Edwards

Ministry Sustainable Resource Management

























1.      Welcome

·         Introductions were made around table.

·         Handout of meeting draft agenda, draft meeting summary of March 11/02, and draft Matrix #12 from March 11th (PAG input).



2.      Review of Mtg. Agenda

·         PAG reviewed proposed agenda for this meeting.

·         PAG amended the agenda to switch order of presentation of items 3 and 4.

·         Intent of tonight’s’ meeting is to complete PAG input into Criteria 3, and 6, then if time allows to fill in the Objectives for Elements 1, 2, and 4.


3.      Review of Previous Mtg.Summary and Matrix

·         PAG reviewed draft meeting summary notes from March 11th 2002. Question was called for changes.

·         PAG accepted the draft March 11th 2002 meeting notes with the amendment of a change of  Interest from that of Outdoor Recreation to Non-Commercial Recreation (non-consumptive), as had been originally agreed upon by the PAG.

·         PAG read over the distributed Matrix 12. Question was called for any changes, in particular to PAG’s input to Elements 3, 5, and 6.

·         PAG accepted the Matrix 12 as the summary of March 11th PAG input.


4.      Membership Review

·         Facilitator provided a review of the Terms of Reference for PAG membership.

·         Introduction of Jim Eglinski as Alternate for Peter Vandergugten, Rural Communities, who is the Alternate for interest Representative Karen Goodings.

·         Discussion of resignation of Agriculture/Range/Private Woodlots Representative Frank Schlichting.

·         Roger St. Jean read Frank’s resignation letter, and provided summary of follow-up correspondence between participants and Frank.

·         Frank felt that his concerns were not shared by the fellow PAG members, and he had no confidence regarding sustainability without fire issues being addressed.  These were not able to be fully  addressed as the responsibility for fire management is guided by the Ministry and the participants are required to meet these expectations. Also, Frank was unable to provide the time he felt was needed to address his interests properly.

·         No alternate member has been identified by Frank, by PAG or by the participants. Egbert Weitzel had expressed some interest early in 2001, but later declined membership.

·         PAG was asked for a recommendation for a replacement representative for Ag/Range/Private Woodlots. None was forthcoming.

·         A suggestion was made that perhaps Karen Goodings might consider representing Ag/Range/Private Woodlots. 

·         Karen will consider this, but feels that she would be unable to properly represent the Private Woodlot part of the interest.

·         Warren Jukes reminded the table that private land (and private woodlots) are not part of the Defined Forest Area, and do not fall under the Pilot Regulation.

·         ACTION: The PAG requested that the participants write a letter to Frank Schlichting thanking him for his participation and will recommend a new name if one can be identified. 

·         J Dymond provided a summary of contact with members regarding attendance and membership.  He pointed out which members were inactive and what their response to future participation.

·         PAG was asked to consider a proposal of Stan Gladys for alternate representative for Non-commercial Recreation. No objections to his membership were made.

·         R. Shular stated Representative Terry Howatt had said he would attend this evening, but did not. Terry and R. will settle who will be representative.

·         No alternate is available for Guide Outfitting.

·         A suggestion was made that the two Non-commercial Recreation interests might combine, to provide better attendance. 

·         ACTION: contact Barry Holland and Budd Phillips for their inputdecision on this item.

·         ACTION: provide overview map of the Defined Forest Area for the next PAG meeting.


5.      Water Quality Presentation

·         Presentation by Pierre Beaudry (Forest Hydrologist Specialist, Consultant)

·         Pierre provided his qualifications and background in water management and analysis

·         Presentation One dealt with general forestry and water quality issues.

·         Presentation Two centered on how the participants could deal with water quality management and monitoring issues in the context of satisfying the requirements of sustainable forest management.

·         The participant’s proposal for monitoring is to measure a large activity area for an evaluation of how sediment control measures are performing. This is instead of intensively sampling a smaller number of sect streams.

·         Proposal is to use Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) to evaluate practices over a large number of crossings and to measure ‘in-steam’ on a small area to evaluate the accuracy of SCQI.

·         Question:

·         Will the participants be dealing with long range effects of water degradation (i.e. effects of local forest activities that are felt outside the DFA)? Answer is yes, if the adverse effects are as a result of participant’s activities.

·         Question:

·         Is the intent of this process to create a set of operating guidelines that will specify additional constraints to operating in areas such as riparian areas? Answer is that the intent is to set measurable goals and objectives to keep effects of activities to an acceptable level.

·         Question:

·         Concern regarding the integrity of the sampling system, and the samplers; who is the watchdog that will prevent bias? Answer is that Provincial standards must be upheld, and professional accountability and third party audits will ensure integrity.

·         A discussion ensued regarding statistical validation and its dependence on number of installations.

·         A discussion ensued regarding the merits and alternatives to the proposed system and what it measures. General consensus was that this system would likely provided the level of monitoring that is required.

·         Question:

·         There was discussion regarding the assessment scale of 0 to 1 that is meant to measure zero effect to unacceptable effect. A question arose regarding those effects that exceeded 1; should we not extend the scale to encompass those effects as well? The answer is that if the scale were to be extended, the overall results would be skewed to the lower end of the scale, due to the predominance of 0 incidence.

6.      WG Response to PAG input Criteria 3, 5, 6 Values/Goals and proposed Indicators

·         PAG reviewed Matrix 13 that includes the Participants proposed indicators and objectives

·         Element 3.2

·         Dave Menzies provided an explanation of proposed Indicators and Objectives.

·         Pierre Beaudry provided an explanation of the Peak Flow Index

·         PAG asked that Objective 1a) be changed to “Ensure that future operational plans do not exceed peak flow targets”

·         PAG agreed to all other proposed Indicators and objectives for Element 3.2.

·         Element 3.1 

·         Discussion and explanation of Site Index, pre- and post-harvest.

·         PAG finds proposed participant wording awkward, and recommends changing wording for Objective 1 to “site index post-harvest will not be less than pre-harvest”

·         PAG agreed to all other proposed Indicators and Objectives for Element 3.1

·         Discussion regarding meaning of “directly attributable to forestry”

·         Question:

·         PAG asked what triggered a report (reportable event). Answer is that Environmental Management Systems and Audits ensure that incident reporting is done where required

·         Element 5.1

·         Timber: PAG recommended changing proposed wording of Objective 1b) to

Ensure Timer Supply Analysis is completed on a 5-10 yr. basis”

·    Range: PAG accepted proposed Indicators and Objectives · Recreational Activities: PAG accepted proposed Indicators and Objectives, but would like to see opportunity for more recreation areas by the forest industry. · Visual Quality: PAG accepted proposed Indicators and Objectives.

·         Access: there was discussion around the meaning of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum and its derivation. The point was made that ‘hectares’ in the Indicator do not equate to ‘factors’ in the Objective. PAG recommended changing proposed wording of the Objective to “Maintain the # of Ha’s over time as determined in the LRMP, for x sites related to forestry; tracked over X? period of time.”

·         PAG observed that other resource users may make this objective difficult to achieve.

·         Element 5.2

·         PAG accepted proposed wording of Indicator 1 to 4, and Objectives 1, 3, and 4.

·         PAG recommended changing the wording of Objective 2 to include both local and non-local, and to read:

·          To establish the baseline of the value for local/non-local services (Also, PAG recommended that the value must relate to volume harvested)

·         To review existing level & make recommendations for maximizing the return.

·         PAG repeated their concern that there appears to be nothing in this Matrix that addresses the fact that communities involves more than just the City of Fort St. John.

·         ACTION: review definition of Communities; define.

·         The table will come back to Objectives 2 and 3 in the next meeting.




7.      Other Business

·         No other business was brought forward.



8.      Public Presentations

·         No public presentations were made.


9.      Next Meetings

·         April 22, 2002 (Monday)

·         May 6, 2002 (Monday)

·         May 21, 2002 (Tuesday)


·         The three meetings may be cut to two if we can get through the rest of the matrix.


Meeting closed 9:30 PM.